Those in which to disinvest or change strategy. From Marketing Qualified Lead to Sales Qualified Lead (email marketing KPI) Once we have verified that the lead is on target, the next step will be to transform our MQL into an SQL. a lead theoretically ready to be contacted by one of our salespeople. Before talking about the metrics to observe to understand the readiness status of an MQL, it is important to make a premise.
In fact, we will have to remember that every user who comes into contact with us through one of our multiple touchpoints will have a different state of awareness regarding their problem, the alternative Job Function Email List solutions found on the market with respect to that problem and our specific solution. Keeping this in mind, it is clear that not all MQLs will be immediately.
Ready to be contacted by a salesperson but will have to follow a personalized nurturing path based, for example, on their interests or the sector to which they belong. Some of the KPIs to be monitored with respect to these nurturing activities are: number of emails sent ; email open rates ; click-through rate (CTR) of emails; churn rate (abandonment rate.